| Country: | Guinea-Bissau | Internet: | .gw | Continent: | Africa | Area: | 36120 sq km | Population: | 1,442,029 (CIA World Factbook est as of 2006) | Population: | 1633.564 (United Nations est as of 2006, in thousands) | Population Men: | 807.239 | Population Women: | 826.325 | Annual Growth Rate: | 2.996 % | Birth Rate: | 37.22 % | Death Rate: | 16.53 % | Life Expectancy: | 46.87 years | Infant Mortality Rate: | 105.21 % | Fertility Rate: | 4.86 % | HIV AIDS Adult Prev Rate: | 10 % | HIV AIDS Living With: | 17,000 | HIV AIDS Deaths: | 1,200 | Labor Force: | 480,000 | GDP Per Capita: | $900 | GDP Purchasing Power: | $1,244,000,000 | GDP Real Growth: | 2.9 | Industrial Growth: | 4.7 | Inflation Rate CP: | 4 % | Capital: | Bissau | Capital Population: | 296900 | Capital Coordinates: | 11 51 N, 15 35 W | UTC Offset: | 0 | Washington D.C. UTC Offset Note: | 5 hours ahead of Washington, DC during Standard Time | Roadways: | 3455 km | Airports: | 28 (total paved or unpaved) | Internet Users: | 26000 | Internet Hosts: | 5 | Telephones Mobile: | 67,000 | Telephones Main: | 10600 | Debt External: | $941,500,000 | Imports: | $176,000,000 | Exports: | $116,000,000 | Natural Gas Consumption: | 0 | Natural Gas Production: | 0 | Electricity Consumption: | 53,960,000 | Electricity Production: | 58,020,000 | Oil Consumption: | 2,500 | Oil Production: | 0 |
Map of Guinea-Bissau